
Mocoan women expressed their feelings in the mural of life

The artistic act was attended by officials from the Victims Unit, Regional Prosecutor's Office, Colombian Family Welfare Institute, among other entities that are present in the region.


The commemoration of International Women's Day was dressed in art in the capital of Putumayo, an opportunity to praise and invite all women to continue demanding the respect of their rights.

The symbolic act was embodied in a message mural next to the governor's square. During the meeting Claudia Lorena Mejía, a professional of process of differential and gender focus of Victims Unit, stressed that in the entity all are united by the victims. In the same way, the president of TEJEDORAS DE VIDA Foundation, Fátima Muriel, called on the competent authorities to guarantee safe spaces where women's rights prevail.

"Since the foundation, the request to the State to hold permanent committees to guarantee the rights of women, to the mayors that convene security councils, to the Ombudsman's Office that maintains early warnings; Prosecutor's Office to give a prompt response to the cases that are coming forward because they continue in impunity those related to femicide and the Public Force and Army to provide timely information on what is happening in the territory, "said Muriel.

The artistic event was attended by officials from the Victims' Unit, Regional Prosecutor's Office, Colombian Family Welfare Institute, Victim Assistance Center, Departmental Social Development Secretary, Municipal Health Secretary, Ombudsman, Police, Army National and the House of Justice, who through its coordinator, Dolly Apráez took advantage of the space to make an invitation to all women to continue reporting in the commissioner those cases related to intrafamily abuse, violation of gender or rights.